Amora Ragdolls is a small cattery and Texas breeder located in Athens Texas, close to Dallas / Tyler area.
Our kittens are well socialized, lovable, fun and affectionate. We strive to produce healthy, friendly Ragdolls.
Ragdolls are often known as ‘puppy cats’, ‘dog-like cats’, ‘cat-dogs’, etc., because of their calm nature and affectionate behavior, with the cats often following owners from room to room as well as seeking physical affection akin to certain dog breeds.
They can be trained to retrieve toys and enjoy doing so. They have a very playful nature that often lasts well into their senior years. Unlike many other breeds, Ragdolls prefer staying low to the ground rather than the highest point in the household.
The Ragdoll breed is known for its beautiful large round deep blue eyes.
Ragdolls come in six distinct colors: seal, chocolate, red, and the corresponding ‘dilutes’: blue, lilac, and cream. There also are the lynx and tortoiseshell variations in all colors and the three patterns. Ragdoll kittens are born white: they have good color at 8–10 weeks and full color and coat at 3–4 years.